Strengthen Memory and Protect Yourself !

Boost your memory and improve your quality of life through gamified learning with your community 

Developed with support from

Research-based approach to improving aging memory and learning of essential skills in adulthood

Memory Exercises

Scenario-based learning that encourages learners to draw from real life experience.

Awareness Programs

Scenario-based learning that encourages learners to draw from real life experience.

Social Gaming

Scenario-based learning that encourages learners to draw from real life experience.

GroSecure is designed for individuals, families and

Want GroSecure for your organization! We have something special for you!

GroSecure was designed with diverse organizations families. Sign up as a family account and let everyone start learning.

For Communities

Senior living communities, home owner communities, Non-profits etcs can use GroSecure to train members of relevant security skills

For Institutions

Learn how GroSecure benefits institutions, Large and small business including schools, hospitals etc.

Want to register your organization or community for live trainings?

Our researchers make learning about safety and
security easy

Security experts delve into

Our security experts, who have a combined decade of expertise, focus on in-depth research to curate the most up-to-date security threats and collaborate with designers to turn that information into gamified experiences that are simple to learn.

Designers humanize the
learning experience

To empower people to retain as much information about scams and fraud as possible, our designers create gamified experiences that make learning enjoyable, engaging, and easy to play.

Ready to start learning?